Frequently Asked Questions
Revive I-70 is an Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) project to improve I-70 in Wayne County from west of Cambridge City to the Indiana/Ohio state line. The 20+ mile project corridor is divided into three contracts for project delivery.
Because of the size of the corridor and scope of improvements, the project has been divided into three contracts for project delivery.
Contract 1 includes the eastern portion of the project area and extends from west of US 35 to the Ohio state line. The corridor is about eight miles long. The contract let in summer 2024 with construction expected to begin by early 2025. Pavement patching from west of Centerville to US 35 will begin in fall 2024.
Improvements for Contract 1 include added travel lanes, interchange modifications, and pavement replacement.
Contract 2 is the western portion of the project area and extends from west of SR 1 to west of Centerville. The corridor is nearly nine miles long. Bids from interested contractor teams are expected in spring 2025.
Improvements for Contract 2 include pavement rehabilitation and bridge improvements.
Contract 3 will extend from west of Centerville to US 35. The corridor is nearly four miles long. Bids from interested contractor teams are expected in 2027.
Specific improvements are being identified for Contract 3.
I-70 is currently four lanes, two in each direction. A third lane in each direction is being added for a total of six travel lanes from west of US 35 to the Ohio state line. Widening work is happening inside existing lanes utilizing the grass median.
Significant changes for the I-70 and US 40 interchange and the I-70 and US 35 interchange will improve safety and mobility.
US 35 will be partially reconstructed with the loop ramps removed. It will be converted to a diamond interchange with single-lane roundabouts.
US 40 will be reconstructed with the loop ramps removed. It will be converted to a diamond interchange with roundabouts and include new pedestrian facilities/sidewalks.
Contract 1 construction will begin in early 2025. Construction for contracts 1 and 2 is expected to be complete in 2029.
Two travel lanes in each direction along I-70 will be maintained most of the time.
Short-term ramp road closures will occur as necessary.
Detours may be needed for the modifications to the I-70/US 40 interchange.
Access for all residences and businesses will be maintained.
The Cardinal Greenway Trail will require a full closure to complete adjacent work, and due to the rural nature of the area, a detour will not be provided. Access to the trail north and south of the closed section will be available at existing trailheads.
Improving traffic flow, especially during peak travel times, is expected to reduce crashes along the corridor including rear-end crashes and crashes caused by improper lane changes and failing to yield. Improvements at two key interchanges (US 40 and US 35) are also expected to improve safety.
Two interchanges (US 40 and US 35) are being updated to improve traffic flow and safety. Barriers in the median will be placed to reduce or eliminate crossover accidents. Pavement maintenance and replacement will improve roadway and bridge conditions, minimizing the need for future repairs.
Most of the anticipated work will occur in the existing right-of-way (ROW), with less than an acre of ROW needed for the project. There are no relocations.
The Project Team performed a noise study to evaluate the impact of any additional travel lanes and the need for noise abatement measures. No measures were identified as reasonable and feasible under INDOT’s Noise Policy. No measures are included in the project’s construction plans.
Interested parties can subscribe to email updates on the project website, ReviveI70, or text “INDOT Revive I70” to 468311 for text message updates. For social media updates, follow Revive I-70 on Facebook and X.
INDOT is the owner of the project and Parsons Corp. is the lead project development and design firm. To connect with the Project Team, reference the Revive I-70 project when visiting or calling INDOT at 855-INDOT4U (855-463-6848).