Public Hearing Scheduled for Next Month for Revive I-70

Participants can sign-up to share their comments

 A public hearing is planned for early October for Revive I-70, an Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) project that is expected to improve I-70 in Wayne County. The hearing will include a formal comment period. Speakers can sign-up on site and will have up to 3 minutes to share their remarks.

Public Hearing
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 5:30 to 7 p.m., presentation at 6 p.m.
Ivy Tech Community College | Stidham Auditorium
2357 Chester Boulevard, Richmond, IN                           

The public hearing will offer the opportunity to comment on the preliminary design plans and the environmental document for the Revive I-70 project. The project is expected to reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, and improve safety along the I-70 corridor in Wayne County. The project is 20+ miles long and extends from west of Cambridge City to the Indiana/Ohio state line.

The hearing will be open house format with a project presentation planned for 6 p.m. Immediately following the presentation, public statements for the record will be taken as part of the hearing process. All verbal comments will be recorded during the hearing and addressed in the final environmental document.

Anticipated Improvements.

The purpose of the Revive I-70 project is to restore the pavement and extend the service life by at least 30 years, correct geometric deficiencies to meet current INDOT design standards, reduce the frequency and severity of crashes, fulfill state and federal long-range plans for increasing mobility, and improve truck travel reliability.

Because of the size of the corridor and the scope of improvements, Revive I-70 is divided into three contracts for project delivery. Construction on Contract 1 is expected to begin in late 2024.

As proposed, the improvements for Contract 1 will include added travel lanes, bridge improvements, improvements at the US 40 and US 35 interchanges, pavement replacement and drainage improvements. Contract 1 includes the eastern portion of the project, from the west side of the US 35 interchange to the state line. Specific improvements are still being identified for the rest of the project area.

Environmental Document

A Categorical Exclusion, Level 4 (CE-4) environmental document has been prepared for the project. The environmental documentation and preliminary design information is available to view prior to the hearing at the following locations:

  1. Morris-Reeves Library, 80th North 6th Street, Richmond, IN
  2. Richmond Municipal Building, 50 North 5th Street, Richmond, IN
  3. Centerville Municipal Building, 204 East Main Street, Centerville, IN
  4. Cambridge City Building, 127 North Foote Street, Cambridge, IN
  5. INDOT Subdistrict, 1241 IN-1, Cambridge, IN
  6. Online at

Comments on the environmental document will be accepted through Thursday, Oct. 19 as part of the formal comment period.

Written comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing and within the comment period to Parsons, 101 West Ohio Street, Suite 2121, Indianapolis, IN 46204, attn. Berry Craig.  Comments can be shared online at or via email to

With advance notice, INDOT can provide special accommodation for persons with disabilities and/or limited English-speaking ability and persons needing auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters, signers, readers or large print.

Should special accommodation be needed, please contact Berry Craig, public involvement specialist, at (270) 705-1640, or email

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